Face Time and Attendance
for Hospitals and Clinics

Let manages the Clinics and Hospitals staff more efficiently and hygienically with modern face recognition time and attendance software.

Hospitals and Time attendance elements
Doctors during check-in

Attendance of Medical
Staff Is made easy

No one can deny the importance of a doctor and medical staff for the well-being of the person. Their availability within the time in hospitals and clinics needs tracking and simplicity. Time and attendance applications save their time and track them.

Doctors in Geo-fenced hospitals

Geo-Fence numerous department

Stay attentive within the emergency and geo-fence the staff where they need to be. Track the activity of the staff from one department into another and set a virtual boundary where then it is difficult for the staff to oppose.

Doctors during break time

Manage staff breaks
and calculate overtime

The break is important to release stress and satisfy personal needs. Health staff deals with a passage of problems and in an emergency, they have to exceed their duty time.Raidetime manages the breaks and overtime and makes the management informed and staff alerted to avoid violations.

Doctors after checking their timesheets

Analytics & performance tracker

Analytics about the employees’ performance and attendance helps the superior management of the hospitals to decide what does better for the patient and comprehend how employees stay committed to the job.


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