Track Shift & Overtime
of the Workforce

Efficiently track the shift and overtime of the workforce. Be accurate in the time of employees’ payment of shifts and overtime.

Shift management design elements
Accel Information Technology
Flaxen Paints
Premier Star

Locate the employees during Shift

Ensure Compliance by tracking Employees' location during their shifts. raideTime helps you to get to know where are your employees operating during their shifts or overtime.As informed, the manager can allocate resources, ensures their safety against restricted areas, and stay compliant with the law.

Sidebar of attendance app
Shift scheduling hours for different times

Schedule Multiple Shifts for Multiple Employees

Schedule the shift of your workforce in the morning, evening, and night. Bring their timesheet into one single interface and track them from anywhere. Multiple Shifts reduce operational costs and ensure the flow of the work. As the system tracks the activity the manager will have less burden in the multiple shifts.

Flexible Scheduling Makes Employees Happy

Satisfy and retain your workforce with flexible scheduling in shift management. Let them balance their work and meet the task deadline effectively. Flexible Scheduling reduces absenteeism and improves the morale of the employees as they see themselves happy in a flexible schedule environment.

Clock, chart and paper element
Reports element of shift

Get reports of shifts and overtime

Reports are important for the evaluation of the employees and their performance. In shift management and over time you will also need reports. Raidetime provides you with reports of the workforce in regard to their shifts and overtime. These reports lead to informed and better decisions.

Save time and Resources
raideTime Is fast and Easy

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Mobile app screen of attendance solution

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