99% Accurate Time
Attendance with
Facial Recognition

Adopt a convenient and secure approach to modern facial recognition time attendance.

Time and an attendance dashboard
Accel Information Technology
Flaxen Paints
Premier Star

Face recognition attendance is flexible and accurate.

Secure the Employee's attendance

Use AI-driven face recognition time attendance and secure the process of time attendance.Block the fake punching and let the authorized team member clock in and clock out on the time.

Employees face recognition and location tracking in mobile.
An employee taking attendance with face recognition

Accomplish more much quicker

Face Recognition system saves more working hours for the team and less resource utilization for the management.

It eliminates the process of data entry and carrying of physical time cards. On top, the on-site team can give attendance from the authorized place.

Record the exact time of employees Clocking in

A face recognition system is more accurate; it enables the management team to track the exact clocking of the employees.

You can even identify the 1 Second lateness and earliness of the employees and can make insights about their performance.

Employee timesheet and face identification screen
Punching on a different location

Simple in use, High in performance

The application's purpose is to make the process simple and high with performance.

raideTime is similar to the same pattern. It is an interactive user interface, providing management and employees flexibility and scalability during working hours.

Why do you need face recognition software for attendance?

Artificial Intelligence is reimagining every sector of enterprises. The attendance process comes under the same storm but for the good reason. Face recognition in the Attendance application let the team member perform touchless clocking, accurately. The application helps the management to reduce the workload and resources, and get more advanced reports and insights.

Flexible arrow


Taking attendance with face recognition is flexible and simple. Employees mark themselves as present

Time track


It is fast in taking attendance. What employees need, is just to show their faces or take a selfie and their attendance is done.

Throwing arrow


Attendance through the use of face makes it more accurate and absolves errors and fraud. It creates transparency within the organization.



The applications keep you informed of employees' practices. It provides you intelligent Insights into their performance.

Save time and Resources
raideTime Is fast and Easy

Try raideTime for Free
A screen of Mobile app of time and attendance

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